Vintage Orange Bitters


Dashfire Vintage Orange Bitters are Minnesota's first (and only) barrel-aged bitters. Fresh orange rind is combined with quality bourbon and select spices, and then aged in a Minnesota-made white oak barrel to incorporate the flavor and sugars of the oak.

Perfect for the classics like Old Fashions and Manhattans.

Dashfire is a small craft company, based in Minnesota. The force behind Dashfire  is driven by an infinite curiosity, coupled with an appetite for travel and a desire to learn all  about flavors and spices of different cultures. After living  in China for a year and a half, and has also travelled extensively through Thailand, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, founder of Dashfire had the opportunity to learn first-hand about local herbs and spices, as well as spirits and food. The inspiration for all Dashfire products is drawn from these experiences and flavors.


  • Made in the  Minnesota, USA
  • ABV 38%
  • 1.7 oz bottle
  • Ingredients: Bourbon, water, fresh orange rind, spices, angelica root


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